La Mode Illustrée
4 participantes
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La Mode Illustrée
I was looking for inspiration for a new outfit and found these amazing scans from "La Mode Illustrée", dating from 1876-1877:
I was looking for inspiration for a new outfit and found these amazing scans from "La Mode Illustrée", dating from 1876-1877:
Re: La Mode Illustrée
Thank you so much for sharing with us this treasures, Pauline!!
Lady Áyden Norwich- Admin
- Mensajes : 3627
Fecha de inscripción : 26/02/2010
Localización : Cruzando océanos de tiempo
Re: La Mode Illustrée
Beautiful pictures.......... I always dreamed could wear one of this wonderful dresses. Thank you so much to apport these images!
Lady Sybilla- Mensajes : 109
Fecha de inscripción : 15/10/2011
Edad : 48
Localización : Paseando por la Ciudad Prohibida
Re: La Mode Illustrée
Oh, God! It is brilliant! Thank you for the page, is a small exchequer. I, personally adore all kinds of Fashion Plates, and have enclosed a book dedicated to this magazine, but it had never happened to think to me that it was in the network!.
I repeat myself, thank you very much!
I repeat myself, thank you very much!
Elizabeth Anne Montgomery- Admin
- Mensajes : 3514
Fecha de inscripción : 25/02/2010
Edad : 43
Localización : Más allá del frío norte...
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