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Hola a todos

Pauline Kisner
6 participantes

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Hola a todos  Empty Hola a todos

Mensaje  Pauline Kisner Mar Feb 15, 2011 10:21 pm

Hello to everyone!

Since my spanish is not as good as it should be, I was allowed to introduce myself in English.

My name is Pauline Kisner and I'm a brazilian historian. I research cultural History, focusing 19th century not only in Europe, but also in my own country. I have founded the very first brazilian re-enactment group, called Sociedade Histórica Desterrense. We already had two meetings and, in March, we'll have the third one: we'll take a walk through the oldest part of Florianópolis (our home-town), dressed in clothes from 1530-1930 (including Steampunk outfits), with 3 or 4 professional photographers.

I'm extremely happy to join your forum and I hope we can be as good as you guys, sometime in the future. I also hope I can learn more with you and, if possible, help with something.

Sorry for my poor spanish. I swear I'll try to improve it to post in Spanish here.

Greetings from Brazil

P.S.: Our forum adress is ---- Be welcome!
Pauline Kisner
Pauline Kisner

Mensajes : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Edad : 39
Localización : Florianópolis,SC,Brasil

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Sindariel Mar Feb 15, 2011 10:50 pm

Welcome to Anacrónicos Pauline.

Mensajes : 301
Fecha de inscripción : 26/02/2010
Localización : Al otro lado del espejo

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Ariadne de Baskerville Mar Feb 15, 2011 10:55 pm

Welcome Pauline!
I'm really amazed that you arrived to our little forum. Anacronicos is a relatively new proyect and we try to do as goog as we can. I'm very glad you like us, really Smile
If you have some problem understanding somo of the posts you only have to ask. I'll be glad to translate whatever you need. I'm also a historian, well, really i'm archaeologist (but in spain is the same degree) so I love to see profession mates here. Very Happy
Nice to meet you!
Ariadne de Baskerville
Ariadne de Baskerville

Mensajes : 839
Fecha de inscripción : 21/04/2010
Edad : 36
Localización : Valencia

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Lady Áyden Norwich Mar Feb 15, 2011 11:07 pm

Welcome to Anacronicos, Pauline!

I´ve known you and your re-enactment group, Sociedade Histórica Desterrense through the Flirck . Wink Let me to congratulate you because to found the first brazilian re-enactment group is hard and difficult and harder to have 3 or 4 professional photographers.

I hope you found here all you need and ask if you don´t understand something, ok?.

Oh, and if you want to write in Brazilian, it´s no problem. Wink
Lady Áyden Norwich
Lady Áyden Norwich

Mensajes : 3627
Fecha de inscripción : 26/02/2010
Localización : Cruzando océanos de tiempo

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Pauline Kisner Miér Feb 16, 2011 4:42 pm

Gracias a todas por la recepción.

Prometo estudiar para mejorar mi espanol y hablar com ustedes.

@Lady Áyden
I'm not sure about posting in Brazilian, because our portuguese is so different from Portugal's Portuguese!
Pauline Kisner
Pauline Kisner

Mensajes : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Edad : 39
Localización : Florianópolis,SC,Brasil

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Ms Nell White Dom Feb 20, 2011 8:44 pm

Welcome to the forum! Smile

Ms Nell White
Ms Nell White

Mensajes : 144
Fecha de inscripción : 04/10/2010
Edad : 45
Localización : Leon

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Lady Áyden Norwich Dom Feb 20, 2011 9:15 pm

Pauline Kisner escribió:I'm not sure about posting in Brazilian, because our portuguese is so different from Portugal's Portuguese!

True, it's not like Brazilian Portuguese. Well, feel free to use the language in which you feel comfortable and we hope to reading you often. Wink
Lady Áyden Norwich
Lady Áyden Norwich

Mensajes : 3627
Fecha de inscripción : 26/02/2010
Localización : Cruzando océanos de tiempo

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Pauline Kisner Dom Feb 20, 2011 9:20 pm

Thank you all, people! You're really kind.
Pauline Kisner
Pauline Kisner

Mensajes : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Edad : 39
Localización : Florianópolis,SC,Brasil

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Elizabeth Anne Montgomery Dom Feb 20, 2011 10:01 pm

Hello Pauline, it's a pleasure to meet you here too. I see your photos through Ancronicos profile at facebook, and I love your job. As I say before, it's a really plaesure I love you (sorry for my poor english Laughing )
Elizabeth Anne Montgomery
Elizabeth Anne Montgomery

Mensajes : 3514
Fecha de inscripción : 25/02/2010
Edad : 43
Localización : Más allá del frío norte...

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Pauline Kisner Dom Feb 20, 2011 10:05 pm

@ Miss Montgomery

Thank you! It's not a poor English at all. I'm really glad to be among friendly people in here.
Pauline Kisner
Pauline Kisner

Mensajes : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Edad : 39
Localización : Florianópolis,SC,Brasil

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Elizabeth Anne Montgomery Dom Feb 20, 2011 10:20 pm

I'm glad to be able to explain that I want say... or something like that Laughing

Please, if you can, try to put pictures of your group here, so all of Anacronicos people saw your work Smile
Elizabeth Anne Montgomery
Elizabeth Anne Montgomery

Mensajes : 3514
Fecha de inscripción : 25/02/2010
Edad : 43
Localización : Más allá del frío norte...

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Pauline Kisner Dom Feb 20, 2011 10:21 pm

I'm posting it right now.
Pauline Kisner
Pauline Kisner

Mensajes : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 13/02/2011
Edad : 39
Localización : Florianópolis,SC,Brasil

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Hola a todos  Empty Re: Hola a todos

Mensaje  Elizabeth Anne Montgomery Dom Feb 20, 2011 10:22 pm

Great!!! I love you
Elizabeth Anne Montgomery
Elizabeth Anne Montgomery

Mensajes : 3514
Fecha de inscripción : 25/02/2010
Edad : 43
Localización : Más allá del frío norte...

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